Men’s Hair Replacement Results

Real People. Real Results. Real Natural Looking Hair.


Over the years, we have received many awards and accolades, as well as both national and regional recognition for our work. All of that is extremely gratifying, of course, but what makes the real difference and where we find the greatest satisfaction is in seeing the difference we have been able to help our clients achieve in their own lives.


What Our Clients Say… In Their Own Words.

Every man knows when his age shows. You see it in the reactions of others. And it was something that really bothered me because, although I love my father, I didn’t want to look like him. At least not yet.

I am amazed at the technology of hair replacement today. Not only does my hair look totally natural, but I don’t have to treat it any differently than I would my own natural growing hair.

Now I look my age, and I don’t feel self-conscious in social situations.

~ Patrick

When I started to lose my hair, it was very disturbing. I started wearing ball caps and avoiding mirrors.

I finally decided that enough was enough and made an appointment to do something about my hair loss. Transitions has not only given me back my hair, but it has changed my entire outlook on life. As a professional businessman, I can tell you that restoring my hair has also restored my self-confidence which has had a very positive influence in both my professional and personal life.

I can truly say that I am much happier with a full head of hair. And my wife loves it too!

~ Virg, Age 54

I remember waking up one morning, looking in the mirror and realizing that my hair was never going to grow back. As a stylist, I wouldn’t settle for anything that might look unnatural. That’s why I was picky!

Thank goodness I took my time and found you. My life has definitely changed for the better. I can relax on the weekend, enjoy my photography and not worry about people bringing up my hair loss. I would recommend this to anybody with a hair loss problem!

~ Paul C., Age 24

Dear Dennis:

Thank you, thank you for all your help with my five-year-old son Brian. I cannot believe the difference in his behavior at school since he got his hair replacement. This has made such an improvement in his self-esteem.

I must admit I was hesitant about my search for a solution to his hair loss which was caused by his accident. I was fearful that I would not be able to find a suitable solution to Brian’s baldness at such a young age.

As you know, children are cruel. I did not want to risk Brian being in a situation where his hair replacement would come off, especially in physical education class or on the playground. Also, I could not imagine how anyone could match up the fine texture of his hair.

You had the answers to all my questions and erased any doubts I had about hair replacement systems. You furnished us with a wonderful natural-looking, low-maintenance, secure, and incredibly handsome system.

Again, thank you. I hope that we have given you something back by letting you know how genuinely happy you have made us.

~ Kathy S.  (Brian’s Mother)

A lot of my friends were shaving their heads in college. This was about the time I started losing my hair and I shaved mine too. What many friends didn’t know was that I was hiding behind my shaved head.

Today the fad is ending and many of my friends have grown their hair back. I can’t. I did not accept my baldness look and decided to do something about it. You were there to help me, and your Transitions hair replacement system that you custom made for me is absolutely the best.

As a matter of fact, taking action before advanced baldness was even more noticeable was one of the best choices of my life. Nobody can tell that I have a hair loss problem. In fact, I sometimes even forget that I have a hair loss problem.

Now, I have more fun, more sport, and more hair. Thank you.

~ Jack, Age: 28


Take the first step to a new you. Schedule your free, confidential hair restoration evaluation today. Our image consultants are also clients so they have truly “been there” themselves. To learn about the solutions available to you, call us today at  (843) 238-1089 to request more information or book your free, confidential hair loss consultation today.